Employer Testimonials
Brian Johnson is the Sr. Technologist with CBCL Ltd. in Happy Valley-Goose Bay. CBCL Ltd. is a leading, locally owned, multi disciplinary engineering and environmental consulting firm in Atlantic Canada and has been in business since 1955 with over 300 staff in 9 regional offices. The Happy Valley-Goose Bay CBCL Ltd office is very pleased with Victoria's performance, she is working with them under a LATP On-The-Job/Wage Subsidy contract. "It's a financial relief and helps reduce the overload, especially in the summertime due to employees on vacation" says Mr. Johnson. He continues to say "Victoria is an asset to CBCL Ltd, and considering she only had one year education within the engineering feild, she is able to work with minium supervision." Mr. Johnson has provided Miss Gatehouse with valuable "hands on" experience with specific projects in the area, namely the 5 Wing Goose Bay Residential Project, Mokami Status Building, and the construction of the new Assembly Building in Hopedale. This is the first time CBCL Ltd in Happy Valley-Goose Bay has had a student work with them under a wage subsidy contract and, after speaking with Mr. Johnson, he does not hesitate to say "CBCL Ltd would definitely recommend LATP to other businesses to see what LATP can offer them." Mr. Johnson informs me that the local CBCL Ltd office is expecting to expand in the near future and hopes to have Victoria join their team when she has completed her training.

Victoria Gatehouse is a LATP client working with an engineering consultant company, CBCL Ltd, since June 27th, 2011. Miss Gatehouse has always had an interest in the field of engineering, and has just completed her first year through a sponsorship from LATP, in a college engineering program. "I was not sure how I was going to be able to attend the College of the North Atlantic in St. John's" says Miss Gatehouse, but that all changed when she attended a community information session hosted by the LATP in her home community of Cartwright, Labrador. It was at this session that she decided to apply to LATP for funding which ultimately led her to work at CBCL Ltd. She continues on to say "I have been learning a lot of new things and enjoy working hands on with some of the projects for clients of CBCL Ltd." Miss Gatehouse would like to credit LATP in helping her reach her career goal and is looking forward to going back to the College of the North Atlantic in the fall to continue her training. Miss Gatehouse informs LATP that CBCL has expressed an interest in the possibility of employing her when her training is completed.
Shawn Hagerty is the owner of Mishkuss Electric Limited and has been in business since 2006. His company is the first of several to take part in the LATP On-The-Job Training/Wage Subsidy Program. Currently Jonathan Mitchell receives invaluable training at Mishkuss Electric. "Having a client from LATP has been great for my business and for Jonathan", Mr. Hagerty continues to say that he is so pleased with Jonathan's work ethic that he has offered Jonathan employment with Mishkuss Electric Limited after the wage subsidy contract has been completed. "I would definitely recommend anyone with a business to check into what LATP can offer you."

Jonathan Mitchell is a LATP client working with Mishkuss Electric Limited for the past year under a wage subsidy contract with LATP. Mr. Mitchell has always been interested in electrical trades and, with the help of LATP, has been able to receive vital "hands on" experience after completing his training. "I was able to get started and begin working on my career choice" says Mr. Mitchell, he has worked on many commercial and residential properties since beginning his on-the-job training. "I have learned a lot of different things on each job site and it helps to have a great boss" Mr. Mitchell knows first hand the difficulty of coming out of school and trying to find employment in your field of training, especially competing with so many others. "I don't think I would be where I am today without the help of LATP and the funding they provided" says Mr. Mitchell. Due to his successful on-the-job training he will continue working with Mishkuss Electric Limited after his current wage subsidy contract ends.
During the early summer of 2013, four individuals with the Labrador Aboriginal Training Partnership (LATP) Environmental Monitoring Program were placed with Stantec Consulting Ltd. and Stassinu Stantec Limited Partnership, in Happy Valley-Goose Bay to complete their required 90 hour on-the-job (OTJ) work experience to graduate. Following the completion of the OTJ and based on their aptitude and proven work ethic, Stantec was pleased to offer two LATP graduates, Sherry Turnbull and Sherri Rumbolt, a seasonal three month contract. Sherry and Sherri, nicknamed by coworkers as "The Two Sherries", are keen and upbeat individuals who thrived on working full days in an outdoor setting on science related programs. They both were eager to tackle new tasks presented to them on archaeological and avifauna related studies conducted for the Lower Churchill Project (LCP). Stantec looks forward to having them join the team for the 2014 field season.

MacKay Paul, another graduate of the LATP Environmental Monitoring Program, joined Stantec during the late summer for a two month contract. Following his work term with another company, MacKay joined Stantec as a field technician to work on the LCP's archaeology program. MacKay demonstrated he could keep up with his more seasoned coworkers. Stantec was pleased to have MacKay as a part of the 2013 field team and hopes he will be available for 2014.

Caroline Hong
Environmental Scientist
H&S Coordinator (Lower Churchill Project)